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I’M HERE to help women escape the outdated rules we are conformed

to and to stop living inside the box.


To guide themselves toward their own truth.

Create a life that you are excited to wake up to every morning!


Are you feeling unfulfilled, stressed, stuck, lost, or misaligned?

Then you're in the right place.

I have been on my spiritual and healing journey for over 16 years, after suffering from depression my entire life and two profound burnouts, which shut my mind and body down.  I made it my mission to escape my darkness, so I went deep into studying the true meaning of life and began to take control of my happiness like a full-time job. I found myself totally absorbed in every self-improvement book, seminar, retreats, podcast, blog, yogic philosophy, meditation, and building my spiritual toolkit. If it has anything to do with personal empowerment or living life to the fullest, I learn it and then live it!


I turned my life around, one day at a time, and realised that life isn't so bad after all. It's actually an entirely magical experience where we can BE, DO or HAVE whatever we want!

Once I relearned the truth of who I really am, a powerful creator of my own reality, and learned radical self-love and compassion, it profoundly changed my life! From my own experiences and awakening, I have learned that we will always be our best teachers. "Our greatest challenges become our greatest teachings"


My Unique coaching style


My Coaching has a holistic approach to a new paradigm that combines energy work, spirituality, science, psychology, and embodiment.  When you adopt a holistic approach to life, the focus is directed to your mind, body, soul, and spirit as a whole, this is a powerful and deep coaching process that creates LASTING TRANSFORMATION and EVOLUTION!.


I am an experienced and certified coach in the following practices:  Diploma in Life and Business Coaching, NLP Coaching Diploma, Master Practitioner, and Trainer in NLP - (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Certified Active Consciousness Meditation Teacher 200hrs, Yoga Teacher - RYT200, EFT Practitioner - Emotional Freedom Technique and Sound Healer.


I combine powerful proven, techniques with multi modalities and embody that approach for levels of change on both a conscious and unconscious level to gain greater self-awareness and renewed balance on an emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological level.

​Unlike more traditional approaches to coaching which is the old paradigm of working on just the mental level, in my coaching, I approach every aspect of a person's life – body, mind, soul, and spirit, in relation to the WHOLE.  I combine many techniques and tools within my coaching process and several healing modalities like EFT, reiki, and breathwork, chakra healing, for deeper exploration and understanding of the inner interferences that create emotional blocks and struggles. Treating the entire body, with holistic therapies, enables you to gain greater self-awareness and appreciation for renewed balance, physical and emotional health.

Energetics and building emotional resilience is the foundation and the key to success in any area of your life.

It’s these invisible blocks that we have and we don’t even know they exist, negative neural pathways that got entrenched in your subconscious mind growing up in this crazy world that is stopping you from stepping up and claiming the life you were meant to lead.  You might not even know that they’re there. Just all of a sudden that little voice in your head starts saying:


“I’m not smart enough. I have no idea what I’m doing? Who am I to think I can follow my dreams?”


Oh, friend, I hear you! But a better question to ask might be:


“Who are you not to?”


The cool thing about that amazing brain of yours is that it can be rewired, and reprogrammed. I have strategies and techniques you need to start to transform the negative patterning holding you back from success into positive reinforcement and self-worth!


Shifting my energy and building my emotional resilience has been a 'game-changer' for me!

To achieve success in any area of your life is 80% energetics and 20% strategy.

I have a unique methodology and apply proven strategies to create energetic shifts to remove subconscious programming, negative patterns, and self-limiting beliefs that are blocking you.   We will dig deep into what is holding you back, I will help you rewire your mindset and develop your emotional resilience and release what is keeping you stuck on a somatic level which is the foundation for a successful life and business.  

I give my clients effective strategies, and a road map, to guide them to create a healthy mind, body, and soul and to help uncover their gifts and talents and this is done by a client going deep.  Part of the coaching process is energy healing, meditation, and breathwork, where I help my clients achieve a state of meditation within themselves, to get them out of their heads, and into their hearts.  It helps them come out of their mind and draw more fully into their body and become more aware on a deeper level as it raises awareness and they become more fully available in the process.  

How would you feel if you achieved your goals as the AUTHENTIC YOU?, aka the most aligned and powerful version of you that's ALWAYS been there but hasn't been fully claimed yet as we hide under FEAR and our LIMITING BELIEFS.  My coaching will first focus on gaining clarity on your core values and discovering your core identity.



Does any of this sound familiar........

You're overworked & burnt out?


Is your energy is low you're struggling to get it all done?

You feel disconnected from yourself?

You're secretly unfulfilled, feeling stuck or lost in your life even though On the surface you have everything to be grateful for?

Your relationships aren't flowing?
You're sick of running the hamster wheel of life?




You're ready to reconnect with a sense of self

Get clarity & discover your purpose

Rise above fears and anxiety to walk your own path without the

fear failure or external opinions & expectations

You want to feel in flow with your feminine energy

Achieve emotional balance & soaring confidence

You know that you're done living someone else's life!

“I believe you must go within if you want to thrive in today’s world, in a holistic way, find alignment and bringing balance to Mind, Body, and Soul”

How we can work together:






Join my health and wellness retreats to recalibrate, rejuvenate, and replenish yourself, to get on the path to living your best life.

 Take care of the most important person - YOU!

1:1 Mentorship 

During our 1:1 sessions, I can support you with my Daily Spiritual Practices, my sessions include energetics and the use of other modalities through Somatic Transformational Breathwork, Guided Meditations, Reiki, and Sound Healing.

My coaching is not 'one size fits all' I will work with you to customise coaching for you.  Each session is personalised to rediscover your soul's code.

Schedule a call today and I look forward to supporting you on your journey back to yourself.

3 month 1:1

Ultimate Alignment Program

Ultimate Alignment Program will help you fast-track your life in finding true freedom in the alignment of mind, body, and soul and create a life you love in just 3 months.


You’ll be guided through the steps to redesign your life and make positive changes so you can awaken to your highest potential and take the quantum leap you've been waiting to take to.

Imagine how your life will be transformed when you find clarity and confidence to build trust in yourself that’s so deep, that you can take on any challenge, dream, or opportunity without fear of failure or judgment and create a life you desire.  That's exactly what the 'Ultimate Alignment Program' gives you!

This 1:1 coaching will deeply support you in a way that you have never experienced before. Sukie will be your fierce advocate and biggest cheerleader inspiring you and giving you accountability to achieve your dream life.

Ready to start changing your life?

What my clients say.......

“I’ve achieved exceptional results with Sukie, I was not in a bad place, however, I felt stuck in my career and wanted more.  I now feel a sense of freedom to think expansively and more importantly to take action when I do get stuck. She always seemed to get to the core of why I was feeling stuck at each session and gave me solutions there and then.   My life has accelerated in numerous ways personally and in my career. With all her techniques in coaching she gave me to apply even after our coaching ended, helps me navigate through difficult challenges”


I worked with Sukie in a 2-month package on energy healing.  Before working with her, I had no idea with how to get started with working on my chakra’s.  I read lots of articles and read blogs and even downloaded an eBook but never got into it.  I knew that I had to have somebody to facilitate the process for me and walk me through it and especially without judgement, because as an online business owner myself, I have the same responsibility to hold a safe space for my clients and my students.  So you can imagine the kind of pressure that I feel to have it all together all the time.


It was really really incredibly helpful to be guided by Sukie, because not only is she clearly knowledgeable in this space, she knows exactly what kind of questions to ask and the tweaks on each chakra she makes for you, and I could feel that in the entire process.  For me feeling safe with somebody is a big deal and that’s why I wouldn’t trust anybody else with chakra healing work than with Sukie.  So if you do have the opportunity to work with her in person, please please please, I urge you to run not walk.

Mai Kai Tsang -

“Sukie not only helped me discover my purpose but offered me practical advice on how I did not have to leave my full-time career to pursue my passion.  She showed me how, I could do both and helped me put a plan together to eventually leave my corporate job but how also helped me get over my fears and limiting beliefs, which held me back for so many years.  I wished I had taken up coaching sooner.  The work Sukie does is so powerful and uses so many different tools in one coaching session, I had so many breakthroughs and gained so much confidence and self-belief”


Sandra B

Sukie has a truly special gift of making you feel like you can do absolutely anything your heart desires and showing you how to achieve it. I had so many fears of moving forward in my goals and broke through all my obstacles.


I feel like a new woman, with a new mind, Sukie’s mindset coaching is so powerful, and she knew exactly what questions to ask and get to the root of my blocks very quickly.  I loved all the tools and techniques she uses to coach and some of them I had profound instant shifts in my mindset.  The energy healing work was also so powerful and being guided through meditations and clearing work with her calming soothing voice was such a lovely experience.

Mandy S

I had some coaching sessions with the lovely Sukie and I learned many things about myself. Sukie not only taught me to look inwards but her knowledge about energy healing and the different chakras is incredible. Sukie was an excellent guide through the beautiful meditations, which are very relaxing. I would highly recommend connecting with Sukie, she is a powerful force of positive energy.


Sarah Jacobsz

I participated in Sukie’s course for energetic healing and chakra alignment, and it was ... amazing. Sukie has such profound and in-depths knowledge about the systems and I cannot believe how much I learned in such a short time! Moreover, her meditations are so brilliant that I literally got addicted to them. Some of them I even did several times a day, and they grounded and freed me to a point where I was able to face my fears and pass through them as I wasn’t able to before. On top of everything, Sukie is so authentic, so natural that it’s a joy to connect with her, and to explore this space with her guidance.


I really cannot recommend this journey with Sukie enough. Thanks so much for this!!

Chris Brand

I first encountered Sukie through listening to one of her podcasts, as soon as I listened, I was instantly captivated. Sukie has this great aura and whenever she speaks, I feel an instant connection and inner peace. I often listen to her podcasts and energy healing sessions when feeling down and instantly feel uplifted and a shift of energy.


Sukie’s coaching has a natural intuitive nature. I cannot explain but, she has this way of being able to connect with you on a deeper level and connect with your inner soul.


Without a doubt, Sukie is one of the most generous and kind-hearted people I know. On many occasions, outside our coaching sessions, she has taken time out to help me without expecting anything in return. She has many admirable strengths and words will fall short to describe her. To name a few she is accommodating, gives sound advice, a great listener, non-judgemental, empathetic, a confidant, and someone who respects your space and integrity”


She is naturally gifted in many ways and having spoken to others who share the exact same views.

Bav Virdee

“Being coached by Sukie has honestly been the best money that I have spent in years.  I loved Sukie’s energy in the calls and always felt so much lighter and more energised after our calls.


Her coaching has been invaluable to me and cannot recommend it enough. Sukie is like a beautiful bright light and cannot thank her enough for changing my life!”

Roselyn G

“I decided to invest in Sukie’s coaching on recommendation from a friend.  I had so many challenges in my life and needed some clarity on my future. I could feel an instant raise in my vibration and a boost in mood when I finished sessions with Sukie, and it didn’t end in the sessions, Sukie gave me exercises and meditations to do outside the sessions which helped me shift so many blocks and keep the momentum going.  I loved how she had so much belief in me achieving my goals, even when at times when I didn’t have belief in myself and I just wanted to give up on them.  She always seems to know the most loving, wise, and empowering thing to say to help me move past any personal issue”



  • Do you offer a payment plan?
    Yes, email me or book a free clarity call to discuss the best option for you.
  • What is Holistic Coaching?
    It is a powerful form of coaching that approaches every aspect of a person's life, we work on all five facets of your being, so your emotional, mental, physical, energetic and spiritual self. My coaching and mentoring has a holistic approach to a new paradigm that combines energy work, spirituality, science, psychology, and embodiment. When you adopt a holistic approach to life, the focus is directed to your mind, body, soul, and spirit as a whole, this is a powerful and deep coaching process that creates LASTING TRANSFORMATION and EVOLUTION! ​ I combine powerful proven, techniques with multi modalities and embody that approach for levels of change on both a conscious and unconscious level to gain greater self-awareness and renewed balance on an emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological level.
  • But I'm not spiritual, do I have to be to do this coaching?
    Spirituality is an element of my coaching, it is not about religion, but about connecting with your spiritual self. Developing your INTUITION and connecting with your Higher Self, which is your TRUE SELF which is fundamental to your healing and growth. You do NOT have to be a “spiritual” person to reap the benefits, but if you do believe in God or the Universe or something else, you will be able to strengthen that relationship with your coaching experience.
  • What is NLP and how do you use this in your coaching?
    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is backed by neuroscience, empowers, enables and teaches us to better understand the way our brain (neuro) processes the words we use (linguistic) and how that can impact on our past, present and future (programming). It gives us strategies for observing human behaviour and learning from the best (and worst) of that! NLP provides a systematic framework for directing our own brain. It teaches us how to direct our own states and behaviours. In short it is the science of how to run your brain in an optimal way to produce the results you desire. Through NLP training we are not only trained to hold space, listen to and powerfully question our clients but also to help them identify unconscious roadblocks, including how beliefs, values and attitudes are impacting the results our clients are creating. Neuro – Is the study of the mind and nervous system. It is how we use our neurology to make sense of the world by taking in information from our 5 senses. Linguistic – Is the study of language, what we do with the information from our 5 senses, how we code our own representation of the world as well as using non-verbal forms of communication. Programming – how we use programs, patterns and strategies to create our behaviours and actions, which a lot have been learnt in our childhood.​ As children our neuro-pathways were programmed by all we saw, heard, felt and understood. In understanding this, we can reprogram new neural pathways that serve us to create more of what we want in our personal & professional lives. An example where I use NLP in my practice is when I help clients to shift limiting beliefs. Most of us are unaware of the unconscious beliefs and emotional blocks that hold us back or keep us small.
  • What energy healing work do you do?
    I am a Reiki Practitioner, so I remove emotional blocks, channel positive energy into your body which reduces stress and promotes relaxation in the body. I also work with the 7 major chakras, activating them so you are unblocking, healing and balancing them, so you get realigned with your energy system. I am a trained Active Consciousness Meditation Teacher (200hrs) through my guided meditation and breathwork sessions we work with the human energy system. Understanding your own vibration, energy and life force is a game-changer for developing personal power and truth. When you can go deeper within yourself and begin to feel your own life force, you can begin to understand what is you versus what is not, helping you to create contrast begin activating your power of choice. This is where you can then start choosing to align with your truth and authenticity. I use many different techniques in the guided meditations which are very powerful and will take you on a deep healing journey. I integrate meditation and breathwork into my coaching, these powerful techniques, help you reconnect with your soul, this is where deep emotional healing takes place and you access your inate wisdom.
  • What happens in the complimentary clarity call?
    To help you gain clarity, find out what is keeping you stuck and what breakthroughs you want. We will talk about why you want to invest in a coach and what goals, desires and dreams you have. Finding clarity is part of the coaching process to see what to achieve from working with a coach. You can get all your questions answered by me. It’s also an opportunity to see if we are the right fit for each other. There is no commitment at this stage and no obligation to take up my coaching.
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